pôle Management

Master Management et Commerce International
parcours franco-américain

Objectifs & Compétences

  • Familiarize students with American culture
  • Develop a global vision of international exchanges
  • Master the tools and methods to approach the business world
  • To know the specificities of Anglo-Saxon management
  • Possibility for students to do an MBA in one of the three partner universities (number of places limited depending on the balance of exchange)
  • Speaking English fluently: 100% of courses are in English


Communication manager, brand manager, product manager, financial analyst, manager controller, product manager, purchasing manager, research associate international, international sales manager, export representative, sales manager for the North American Market...

Public concerné

  • 1st year entry: TOEFL IBT/ TOEFL iBT ® Home Edition mandatory : a score of 79 minimum is required
    Licence or Bachelor's degree and 180 ETCS (or 90 US credits) - (DUETI is accepted)


  • 2nd year entry: Master (1st year) 240 ECTS (or 120 US credits)
    TOEFL IBT/ TOEFL iBT ® Home Edition mandatory : a score of 79 minimum is required

Students profiles / background

international commerce/management, economics/management, international business,
law, IEP, foreign languages, engineering...



Dates de rentrée : September

Rythme : Master 1 | Semester/ Term Dates:
Fall Term: From Sept to Dec
Spring Term: From Jan to March
Internship: 10 weeks minimum from April to Sept

Master 2 | Semester/ Term Dates:
Fall term: End of September to Mid December
Spring Term: Jan to April
Internship: May to Sept (16 weeks minimum) in France or abroad

Professional experience and development Digital agility
Priority management and personal efficienty
Business game / simulation d'entreprise or integration
Management Individual and collective management
Managerial challengs of technological transformations
Cross generational management
Agile management
Financial Management Fundamentals of finance
Statistics and data analysis
Business and Trade International business news analysis
Tutored projects
Strategic management
LV2 (french for international student)-LV2 (except english)
Choice 1 : Semester abroad
International courses
Internship 10 weeks minimum - in France or abroad
Choice 2 : Semester in France
Professional experience and development Problem solving tools
Remote communication
Lobbying and network visibility
Team building
International finance management Financial management II
International taxation
International management Managing clients and suppliers
Intercultural management
International marketing
International trade and business Quality-logistics and production
Digital sales : prospection and negotiation
LV2 (french for speakers)-LVE (except english) for french
Internship 10 weeks minimum - in France or abroad


Heures sur l'année 445

>> Compatible with the Atrium program.

Global management Strategies of international development
Leadership and change management
Digital marketing / SEO
Negotiation and international development
Global trade and business International contract law
Corporate financial management
International economics
International finance
American business context American civilization
Business communication
Legal environment of business
Innovation and marketing Entrepreneurship
Topics in marketing
Business style and creativity / crowd funding
Internship or MBA


Heures sur l'année 318

>> Compatible with the Atrium program.

120 ECTS

Heures sur les 2 années 763




Enseignant permanent

Gestionnaire de scolarité



Partnership with :


Les modalités pédagogiques sont adaptées en fonction des compétences et connaissances visées par l'enseignement. Sont notamment mobilisés les cours magistraux (CM), les travaux dirigés (TD) et/ou les mises en situation.


Selon les objectifs de la formation, le contrôle des connaissances et des compétences peut mobiliser différentes modalités d'évaluation tels le contrôle terminal, le contrôle continu, ou une combinaison de contrôle terminal et de contrôle continu. Ces évaluations peuvent prendre des formes variées (écrits et ou oral, travail de groupe, rapport/mémoires, etc.). Ces modalités sont indiquées aux apprenants dans les délais règlementaires.
Les règles applicables au contrôle des connaissances et compétences pour l'université de Caen Normandie sont disponibles dans le règlement des études.


Les étudiants dans des situations particulières peuvent bénéficier d'aménagements dans l'organisation et le déroulement de leurs études : Prendre contact avec nos référents.


L'inscription pédagogique est OBLIGATOIRE et INDISPENSABLE. Elle se fait après la finalisation de votre inscription administrative.

Materials to Submit with Application
> TOEFL IBT or TOEFL IBT Home edition : a score of 79 minimum is required.
> IELTS : Score minimum of 6,5

Admission based on application file

Student application opening : February 24
Student application deadline : April 30

1st year of the master : Application on https://www.monmaster.gouv.fr/

2nd year of the master : Application on https://candidatures.unicaen.fr/ecandidat/

Coût de la formation

Tuition fees in 2021/2022 243€ + CVEC* in 2024/2025 : 103€
* student and campus life contribution

For more information: https://www.unicaen.fr/formation/candidater-sinscrire/informations-pratiques/tarifs-et-modes-de-paiement/


Vincent BECKER


Senior Analyst Product Cost Planning » - Toyota, Michigan, USA

I chose IAE Caen because I absolutely wanted to do an American Master's degree. My best memory during my studies is my M1 in Texas, it was a great experience. What I appreciated at IAE was that American professors came to teach in Caen for one or two months.

I did my internship in the automotive industry at Jtekt in Detroit, Michigan. The company then kept me and I worked there for 5 years. Since 4 months, I changed companies and, still in the automotive industry, I work at Toyota in Michigan, as a "Senior analyst product cost planning".



Sur l'ensemble des diplômés des Masters de l'université de Caen Normandie, le taux d'insertion professionnelle est de 93% pour les diplômés 2018, deux ans et demi après être entrés sur le marché du travail (enquête réalisée en 2021). Pour en savoir plus sur le devenir des diplômés.